Are You Guarding Your Sacred Space
No matter what life throws at us, our personal bonding time with ourselves is sacred. It's time to recharge, reflect, and reconnect with...

Imposter Syndrome Anyone?
Imposter Syndrome is a common feeling amongst some women. If you've ever felt you don't belong or that you're not good enough that's...

I know it can be tempting to say yes to every request that comes your way. However, saying no can be just as powerful. By setting...

Own Your Power
As a busy woman, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless. I know because it's happened to me several times. However, owning...

Who's Showing Up For You?
Is it you? Are you showing up for yourself? Hello???? Do you have a selfless attitude when it comes to others, but you're not open to...

Be True To Yourself
Being true to yourself is a crucial aspect of self discovery and self acceptance. As women, we often feel the pressure to conform to...

Sleep Does The Body Good
Getting enough sleep is essential for our physical and mental well-being. Yet, many of us struggle to get the recommended 7-9 hours of...
A Mother Loved
I wrote this more than 5 years ago to submit to someone for publication. I often share again on my mothers birthday or the anniversary...

Confront Fear
While fearing failure is not unique just to women, females often feel pressure to succeed in all aspects of their lives and never show...

Self Love
Happy February! This is Love Month! Ladies, I know sometimes we place everyone else before ourselves. Well, I'm here to remind you that...