The Right Time is NOW!
Around this time of the year some people are cruising through life waiting on the New Year to get hype to accomplish their goals. I...

Women Are Winning!
I know the year is not over & there are many wins to come before 2018 ends, but I felt the need to say CONGRATULATIONS to every woman...

An Open Invitation
For a few years now, I've embraced the idea of weight loss & had some success, but did not stick to it. What I realized is that I was...

Benefits of Meditation
Did you realize frequent meditation can add years to your life? Those years could be accompanied by better health, mentally and...

You do realize caring for your needs is imperative & your responsibility? What are you planning for self care this weekend? Self care...

Keep Positive People Close to You
Your attitude will directly affect your day; if you are being sour and negative, your day could spiral to attract negativity. Keep...

Happy Monday!
A new week, new thoughts, new goals.... Have you scheduled at least one Self Care task for yourself each day this week? Remember, Self...

March Recharge 2018
Are all of these boxes checked on your list? Are you overwhelmed at work & home? Are you stressed? Have you registered for March Recharge...

It's Your Day!
This is Love Month - Show yourself LOVE by choosing how you start your day. You can choose to start your day grumpy and irritable or...