Self Care Saturday
What's on your self care agenda for Self Care Saturday? A movie, healthy meals/meal prep, quiet time, reading?

It's Your Day!
This is Love Month - Show yourself LOVE by choosing how you start your day. You can choose to start your day grumpy and irritable or...

Thank You!
Self Care Saturday was AMAZING! Thank you for trusting The Well Station Team with assisting you with your day of Self Care. Here are a...

Self-Care Legacy
In our hectic, fast-paced lives full of stress and multiple responsibilities, it is more imperative than ever before that we practice...
Short Eating Meditation
In the middle of the day, many people have an afternoon slump when their energy lowers and they feel sleepy or anxious for the work day...

Mini - Meditation
Meditation is less about sitting formally on a cushion than it is about stopping, resting and tuning into your body. The good news is...

Let's Move!
The busiest people have 2 minute time blocks free every day, plenty of them. We can treat ourselves to 2 minutes of stretching, running...

Let's begin mindfulness this week. Mindfulness is the art of focusing on the present moment. Instead of worrying when it comes to the...

Healthy Routines
You might be amazed at how creating and sticking to healthy routines can make you more time-efficient, and lead to less stress and more...

Digital Detox
Detox drinks are known to assist us with cleansing the body of toxins, helping with mood swings, & are very good for weight loss. Well,...