Daily Routine - Self Care
Are you your top priority? I'd hope the answer to that question is in the affirmative. Because if you aren't top priority you should be....

You do realize caring for your needs is imperative & your responsibility? What are you planning for self care this weekend? Self care...

Self Care Saturday!
Today is Self Care Saturday! What are your plans?

Happy Monday!
A new week, new thoughts, new goals.... Have you scheduled at least one Self Care task for yourself each day this week? Remember, Self...

You can register TODAY! March Recharge 2018 Date/Time: 3/24 1 - 5 pm Registration - bit.ly/thewellstation or...

March Recharge 2018
Are all of these boxes checked on your list? Are you overwhelmed at work & home? Are you stressed? Have you registered for March Recharge...

Self Care Saturday
What's on your self care agenda for Self Care Saturday? A movie, healthy meals/meal prep, quiet time, reading?

Thank You!
Self Care Saturday was AMAZING! Thank you for trusting The Well Station Team with assisting you with your day of Self Care. Here are a...

Self-Care Legacy
In our hectic, fast-paced lives full of stress and multiple responsibilities, it is more imperative than ever before that we practice...