Keep Positive People Close to You
Your attitude will directly affect your day; if you are being sour and negative, your day could spiral to attract negativity. Keep...

Thank You!
Self Care Saturday was AMAZING! Thank you for trusting The Well Station Team with assisting you with your day of Self Care. Here are a...

Friend Zone
So, you're feeling some kinda way & you just have to talk with someone. Someone that understands you & someone that won't judge you. ...

Sometimes a change of scenery is all that's needed to refresh your body & mind. For 9 days my husband, youngest daughter & I were able to...

Gratitude - Healthy Relationships
It's awesome when you have people in your life - family/friends - that you love sharing life with & you all have a healthy relationship. ...
A Mother Loved
Oh, how gorgeous a morning it was Thursday, November 21, 2013. I can remember so vividly the warmth & beauty of the sun & the coolness...