1st Quarter Reading
What are you reading or listening to starting the new year? I'm presently listening to Vibrate Higher Daily. My plan is to have it...

Let's Go!!!
Stop thinking and start doing. There is a lot to be said for the Nike tag line that tells you to "Just Do It." Some people are hardwired...

There’s no reason to struggle during the holidays. The season is designed to give time for reflection and celebrate with family and...

Your Season
Believe it or not, you don’t have to recreate a television version of the holidays in order for them to be exceptional. It’s entirely...

The Holiday Season
The holidays are a wonderful time to enjoy yourself & connect with family & friends. I hope this is time filled with laughter, love &...

Regular gratitude
Science has proven that being grateful leads to a higher quality of life. People who express gratitude regularly live longer, are...

Self Care Bingo
Ladies, did you see our post on social media earlier this month? Now, we've all enjoyed a good game of bingo! How many times have you...

Gratitude is my attitude
Gratitude is my attitude! Can I get super personal? When I sit down and write in my journal, one thing that keeps showing up is how...

Have you been feeling distracted? Hey, the struggle is REAL. I’ve been working on a project and life keeps interrupting my progress....

Is the Media Giving You Anxiety?
In today's technologically-connected world, some type of media is always at our fingertips. Literally. You only have to pick up your...