Happiness At Work Day 3 of 5
Ladies, we've agreed being unhappy at work is not cool. Statistics show that most people are bored or unhappy in their present jobs. If...

Happiness At Work Day 2 of 5
Good morning, Ladies! We're on this journey together this week to ensure we experience happiness at work. Today let's create beauty...

Happiness At Work Day 1of 5
Ladies, I know if you're a working woman you're very thankful & appreciative that you have a job, career, or business. But, if we can be...

Know Your Sleep Number
If you’ve ever experienced sleep deprivation, you’ll know just how detrimental to your health it can be. Even just getting one less hour...

That Conversation
Are you the woman that everyone calls when they are in a pickle? Have you decided your mission in life is to save everyone? You're...

Affirm Yourself
I love & appreciate myself. I am an amazing creation. I have been created to make a difference. I repel negative energy. I bring love &...

Daily Routine - Self Care
Are you your top priority? I'd hope the answer to that question is in the affirmative. Because if you aren't top priority you should be....

This month is Mental Health Awareness Month & we'll place our focus on ways to preserve our mental. "Boundaries" are limits, plain and...

Sometimes we have to walk the path alone to receive clarity.

Record Your Journey
I began journaling when I was a teenager & found this task to be very rewarding. As an adult, it's refreshing to have a space to scribe...