Relaxation/Stress Reduction Challenge
For the month of July, you’ll be seeing a lot of content about relaxing and reducing stress here at blog. It’s an important topic and something I’ve given a lot of thought lately. We live in such a busy world where we’re always in the 'on the go' mode & the 'taking care of everyone else' mode. Social media puts us under a lot of pressure to document the perfect life, and in between all that we’re juggling family and career, while paying off large mortgages. No wonder we’re more stressed than ever and stress related illnesses are on the rise. I just read a post of one of my classmates having a seizure & she believes it was because she'd been working constantly without rest/relaxation.
It’s high time to relax more and take a more active approach to stress reduction. I invite you to do just that right along with me over the course of the next 30 days. Each day I’ll have a new tip or idea to share with you on the topic. To make sure you don’t miss a thing, sign up on The Well Station home page for daily email alerts.
Let's get started with our first tip today, let’s reflect on how making an effort to relax more can help us reduce stress. Feeling stressed is a way of quickly putting our body on high alert. We have to find other ways to cope and different ways to calm back down and that’s where making an effort to relax more comes in. Maybe find a nice swing, hammock, or soothing music as we relax. Not only will it greatly benefit our overall health, we'll feel better.
I hope you join me and give reducing stress by relaxing more a try over the coming 30 days and beyond.

Not only will it greatly benefit our overall health, we'll feel better. I hope you join me and give reducing stress by relaxing more a try over the coming 30 days and beyond.