Digital Detox
Detox drinks are known to assist us with cleansing the body of toxins, helping with mood swings, & are very good for weight loss. Well, I seriously believe that we should also embrace a digital detox. I believe if we backed away from our electronic devices we’d experience some of the same successes with a digital detox as we would with detox drinks. Spending less or no time with those smartphones, laptops, desktops, tablets, & Ipads from time to time would be refreshing. Simplifying the number of applications, games and social media networks we spend time with and enjoying a digital detox is just what most of us need. I’m certain we’d experience a lift in our moods, we’d simplify our lives during that time, we’ll feel lighter because we aren’t weighed down with toxic people & the nonsense that’s sometimes shared on social media. I’ll return to my digital detox on Sundays as I’ve selected Sunday as my day to wind down & be very present with my family. I challenge you to schedule your digital detox for this week. #thewellstation #welltip #mindbodyspirit #simplifying