Light A Candle & Exhale
Last week my grandmother took a nasty fall & as a result was admitted into the hospital. Because of head trauma, she was in ICU for a few days. She wasn't able to share with us how she fell & at first didn't recognize us. If you're fortunate enough to have your grandmother you can imagine the feelings that I've had during this time. I've prayed, cried, been exhausted, & given thanks because each day she's progressing & soon will be released to return home.
Ladies, there are some situations in our life that knock the wind out of us. We are hit with life's challenges & need time to gather ourselves as we are pushing through. In the evenings when returning home from the hospital I've gone to my quiet space to light a candle & just exhale. It was if I released some of the feelings that were consuming my body. Being fixated on the flickering of the candle allowed time to concentrate for just a few minutes on something else.
As you know, we don't always have control of what's going on in our lives but small actions can help with our self care to sustain us on the journey.