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An Open Invitation

For a few years now, I've embraced the idea of weight loss & had some success, but did not stick to it. What I realized is that I was not committed to the process & was just doing what was popular at the time. See, I've always loved food since I was a child that's how my family shared love. Those closest to me could "burn" as they used to say - my mom, grandmother, godmother & aunts. My grandfather is an amazing cook & he actually owned a restaurant. I remember parties, house blessings, after church celebrations, & going to the finest restaurants where there was love & laughter all centered around food. Not until recently when starting The Well Station have I been really analyzing all of the areas in my life. Yes, focusing on my self care & taking to heart my self care regimen.

It's not that I've been pressured by anyone but the voice within has been echoing more recently. I think it's been difficult to stick to it because I haven't had any health challenges, but I realize I can't continue to operate off of grace. It's important that I live the best life that I can & I have to be disciplined when it comes to my relationship with food, my commitment to working out, & staying on course.

It's amazing when you set your mind on something how the world will give you exactly what you've asked for. Just last week 4 ladies reached out to me regarding their desire to lose weight. They know that as part of The Well Station self care products I sell supplements that assist with weight loss. I was tickled as we talked through our goals we had so many similarities. As a result of those conversations, we committed to begin our journey, TOGETHER, 8/20/18.

Yes, in less than a week we'll begin a journey to transform ourselves not only physically, but mentally & emotionally. Since I consider all of my clients & subscribers friends & family I'm going to be transparent with you & document my journey here on the website. You may witness some chats, food prep, dinners & workout sessions. I am a certified self care coach, but not a counselor or nutritionist. I'll reach out to those in my circle that are certified in those areas as we dive deeper.

I am inviting you to join us on the journey, you do not have to be all alone! Inbox me at events@thewellstation.org if you'd like to join us! When women support & encourage each other amazing results are achieved.

Be Well!

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