That Conversation
Are you the woman that everyone calls when they are in a pickle? Have you decided your mission in life is to save everyone? You're rescuing & making time for everyone except for yourself? Does that sound crazy to you? I'm asking because one day I realized as I was burned out, tired & frustrated that it didn't make sense. Everything around me was thriving & flourishing but I was wilting, confused, physically & emotionally exhausted.
To be honest, it was no ones fault but my own. I had not established a set amount of time dedicated to myself & my needs. I felt guilty thinking I would be selfish to be intentional with my self care. I had to stand face to face with myself in the mirror to have a serious conversation with that woman. The conversation went like this - "Elizabeth, what's going on? Why do you feel you are not worthy? What is it going to take for you to finally wake up & realize you do not have the capacity to continue at this pace without pausing daily to give attention to your self care?"
It was that conversation & the answers that came from that conversation that helped to make the decision something had to change. I still embrace & love on those that I feel need my assistance. But, I have established an amount of time daily to address my needs. I am serious & embrace my self care regimen. I ask you, my friend, to have a candid conversation with yourself today.