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Happiness At Work Day 1of 5

Ladies, I know if you're a working woman you're very thankful & appreciative that you have a job, career, or business. But, if we can be real in this moment, sometimes you become unhappy at work. It could be that you no longer enjoy what you're doing or you may be challenged with the issues that sometimes arise in the working environment. Whatever your reason it doesn't have to be that way! This week I'll offer some suggestions to help you break out of that funk to be happier at work beginning today. Yes, this Monday!

Today's suggestion is to look after yourself. You are your best advocate. It's very important to not exhaust energy levels by skipping lunch or having those unhealthy snacks. You know what I mean the unhealthy vending machine snacks or the sugary cookies in the cafe. I'm not talking against the vending machines just choose the healthy snacks. It's also important to ensure we stay hydrated. And nope, not the 12 cups of coffee, but consuming plenty of water. Excessive cups of coffee will only have us crashing later & also feeling jittery.

Have an amazing day!

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