Happiness At Work Day 5 of 5
Well, today is Friday & this week we've been focused on happiness in the workplace. I hope you've gathered some tips that you can use daily even after today's blog post.
My tip today is to reward yourself. Get into a habit of celebrating all of your successes, small & large. We have a habit in my family to celebrate every success because we believe we deserve it. In the workplace it may be finishing a big project or you knocked out a presentation in spite of being nervous. Sometimes we have to make that difficult phone call on behalf of the company & the call ended up better than you anticipated. From this point, make a promise to yourself that you'll celebrate & receive a reward. Pat yourself on the back, buy something cute, or have lunch or dinner out at your favorite restaurant.
As we wrap up day 5 I'd like to offer a FREE download of The Well Station's Self Care Is Self Love Checklist. The link is bit.ly/twschecklist & there are simple self care suggestions to incorporate into your day. Enjoy!